Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Violence And Nonviolence Essay Example For Students

Savagery And Nonviolence Essay Savagery is an issue that we as people, manage ordinary. Today, it seemsthat we manage it in pretty much every part of our lives. From childrenscartoons to the evening news, we are observers to its capacity and damage. A highlydebated contention for the reasons for savagery are encompassing our homes too asour government. Regardless of the reasons for brutality or for that reality aggressors, wehave a moral obligation must be taken for vicious activities. We are giventhe decision to choose how we each need to live our lives; however before we decide,we must gander at the moral issues that encompass our decisions. Most people striveto carry on with a decent, unadulterated life. Viciousness is one of only a handful barely any cases that destroysthat great life. It is something that we move in the direction of taking out. It is definedas a demonstration taken against another being with the aim to do hurt. We oftenconsider viciousness as far as the physical attacker, yet savagery can sur facein an assortment of ways in any event, including self-preservation. Viciousness is an outcome ofconflicting interests or unresolvable contrasts. In many occurrences, bothparties to he struggle feel that they are correct and that their activities arejustified. In any case, there are different cases in which their is a reasonable aggressorand casualty. All things considered, brutality is an extremely confused and troublesome issue. Byits very nature, savagery is a demonstration against life. Life, is sacrosanct. It ischerished, not out of direction of utilization, not instrumental, however for the good,intrinsic estimation of its very being. Savagery is instrumental. It is a way to anend. There is no intrinsical goodness in brutality. Vicious acts are bad forthe purpose of viciousness itself. A solitary inquiry that emerges out of the argumentof savagery and peacefulness, Is viciousness ever reasonable or adequate. The twomain sorts of contentions that emerge are the self-protecti on worldview and pacifism. The self-preservation worldview acknowledges brutality as a way to ensure ones life,or the life of others. This contention deciphers life as being characteristically goodand for instrumental purposes, however acknowledges deadly outcomes as a unintendedconsequence of resistance. Pacifism contends that brutality is rarely adequate. Since savagery is an instrumental demonstration, it sabotages and affronts humanlife as a valued element. Upon first assessment of these contentions, Ipreferred the self-preservation worldview. I trust I am to a greater extent a pragmatist. I thoughtthat savagery was unavoidable. Regardless of the procedure, brutality is going to bethe final product. In any case, before the finish of the semester, I have discoveredsomething. The entire motivation behind pacifism is to change the way that viciousness isinevitable. It is a development that shows people how to manage the situationsthat unavoidably end in brutality. It is an approach to protect life from aggressivethreats. The conservative may never hazard slaughtering his rival, paying little heed to theconsequences. Consistently, they should be conscious and merciful of life. Ibelieve that I have changed my view since I have a more prominent getting ofpacifism. From the outset, I felt that it was the path of least resistance. It was th e path totake to keep away from a circumstance; regardless of the circumstance, never be rough. Ithought of issues, for example, wars or on the off chance that somebody was attempting to execute you or yourfamily. How might someone be able to do nothing? It was a powerless people answer tothe contention. At that point, out of nowhere, it struck me. We are continually talking aboutbettering the world, disposing of savagery. All things considered, we are imitativecreatures. We do what we see. How are the more youthful age of individuals going tobe peaceful when all they see is viciousness. On the off chance that, we dont start demonstratingnonviolent, tranquil acts, what are they going to impersonate? We are presentingself-barrier as a reason. It is reasonable however just in the event that you dont expect tokill the other individual. This can be a hazardous circumstance. When defendingyourself or another person, you are permitted savagery as long as you didnt meanto murder the attack er? What happens when you cannot unravel the aggressor?Nothing ought to be detracted from the self-preservation reasoning. It isunderstandable and moral. It would be hard not to shield yourself from anattacker, or to support a friend or family member. In any case, it just appears to me that in todaysworld, we should reconsider our ethics. Self-protection takes that life isintrinsically great and ought to never be disregarded. It includes that life ought to neverbe abused yet in specific cases. It appears to be a twofold norm. Pacifism is amovement to stand firm against viciousness. It is giving brutal circumstances achance of inversion. Be that as it may, the decision of pacifism is a deep rooted responsibility. .u869a8b013624bfab036f71828696bbd0 , .u869a8b013624bfab036f71828696bbd0 .postImageUrl , .u869a8b013624bfab036f71828696bbd0 .focused content territory { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .u869a8b013624bfab036f71828696bbd0 , .u869a8b013624bfab036f71828696bbd0:hover , .u869a8b013624bfab036f71828696bbd0:visited , .u869a8b013624bfab036f71828696bbd0:active { border:0!important; } .u869a8b013624bfab036f71828696bbd0 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u869a8b013624bfab036f71828696bbd0 { show: square; progress: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-change: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; murkiness: 1; change: haziness 250ms; webkit-change: darkness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u869a8b013624bfab036f71828696bbd0:active , .u869a8b013624bfab036f71828696bbd0:hover { mistiness: 1; progress: obscurity 250ms; webkit-change: murkiness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u869a8b013624bfab036f71828696bbd0 .focused content region { width: 100%; position: relati ve; } .u869a8b013624bfab036f71828696bbd0 .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; text-embellishment: underline; } .u869a8b013624bfab036f71828696bbd0 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; text style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u869a8b013624bfab036f71828696bbd0 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; outskirt sweep: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; textual style weight: intense; line-tallness: 26px; moz-fringe span: 3px; text-adjust: focus; text-improvement: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-tallness: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: total; right: 0; top: 0; } .u869a8b013624bfab036f71828696bbd0:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u869a8b013624b fab036f71828696bbd0 .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u869a8b013624bfab036f71828696bbd0-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u869a8b013624bfab036f71828696bbd0:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Telemachus And Penelope EssayOne can not be low maintenance conservative or a specific supporter of just wars. Thatis, one can not censure brutality, yet when rough turns into an individual situation,find a reason. The equivalent in just wars. All wars must be treacherous, not simply a few. Pacifism is a solid good stand. It is devotion to safeguarding human life, nomatter the circumstance. A conservative would need to stand firm which would notallow him to brutally guarded himself or others in any circumstance. Pacifism isdescribed as the higher calling since it observes the grandness andbeauty of being alive. In spite of the fact that the self-protection worldview is a wonderfularguments, I think it contains a couple of errors. There ought to be no excusefor hurting another individual. Because another person began it, doesntmake it right or O.K. Reasoning

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Information system Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Data framework - Article Example System/Research Business Need: The work cost control is utilized to control the circumstance of overstaffing of breakfast administration, and along these lines can diminish the superfluous work costs of the top notch eatery to the acknowledged spending range, with better utilizing of assets for furnishing top notch client administrations with productivity (James, 2003). Usefulness: The usefulness of the framework ought to have is recorded beneath: Recognize the staff blend of morning shift in required number as indicated by the inhabitance of the day Characterizing time-based compensation of staff and bosses Planning the staff cost of breakfast administration week by week Anticipated Value: We expect the task can diminish the work cost of the fancy eatery which is driven by the overstaffing of breakfast administration, because of the ineffectual method of rostering. Then again, improve consumer loyalty for decreasing the objections about the administration wastefulness. Unmistakable: Diminish the yearly absolute work cost by 5% Diminish the yearly client protests calls by 10% Immaterial: Improve staff proficiency Improve consumer loyalty Uncommon Issues or Constraints: F&B chief commands cutoff time for 31st May one year from now The framework should have been set up for the following monetary year Specialized achievability Albeit a few dangers are introduced, the Labor Cost Control System is viewed as specialized doable. The System's hazard dependent on commonality with application is medium: Microsoft Office, for example, Words and spreadsheets are ordinarily utilized in every office; and the executives staff had all prepared to guarantee their competency level of aptitudes and information IT division likewise has rich experience and information in the usage of Microsoft Office and other pertinent programming projects Be that as it may, numerous decisions of... The primary segment is arranged at social occasion necessities and demonstrating the framework in understanding to it. The structure issues are dealt with in this phase which permits further entrance into the framework for understanding the business procedure streams (Boehm, 2001). The work cost control is utilized to control the circumstance of overstaffing of breakfast administration, and along these lines can decrease the pointless work costs of the top notch café to the acknowledged spending range, with better utilizing of assets for furnishing excellent client administrations with proficiency (James, 2003). We expect the task can diminish the work cost of the high end café which is driven by the overstaffing of breakfast administration, because of the incapable method of rostering. Then again, improve consumer loyalty for lessening the objections about the administration wastefulness. From the authoritative perspective, the venture is viewed as generally safe and expected to have high speculation return (ROI - 182.30%). The undertaking's goal centers around lessening the work costs of the eatery through breakfast administration.

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

The Algorithm Problem Solving Approach in Psychology

The Algorithm Problem Solving Approach in Psychology Student Resources Print The Algorithm Problem Solving Approach in Psychology By Kendra Cherry facebook twitter Kendra Cherry, MS, is an author, educational consultant, and speaker focused on helping students learn about psychology. Learn about our editorial policy Kendra Cherry Updated on February 08, 2020 biffspandex / E / Getty Images More in Student Resources APA Style and Writing Study Guides and Tips Careers When solving a problem, choosing the right approach is often the key to arriving at the best solution. In psychology, one of these problem-solving approaches is known as an algorithm. An algorithm is a defined set of step-by-step procedures that provides the correct answer to a particular problem. By following the instructions correctly, you are guaranteed to arrive at the right answer. While often thought of purely as a mathematical term, the same type of process can be followed to ensure finding the correct answer when solving a problem or making a decision. An algorithm is often expressed in the form of a graph, where a square represents each step. Arrows then branch off from each step to point to possible directions that you may take to solve the problem. In some cases, you must follow a particular set of steps to solve the problem. In other instances, you might be able to follow different paths that will all lead to the same solution. Why Should You Use an Algorithm? The upside of using an algorithm to solve a problem or make a decision is that yields the best possible answer every time. This is useful in situations when accuracy is critical or where similar problems need to be frequently solved. In many cases, computer programs can be designed to speed up this process. Data then needs to be placed in the system so that the algorithm can be executed to come up with the correct solution. Such step-by-step approaches can be useful in situations where each decision  must be made following the same process and where accuracy is critical. Because the process follows a prescribed procedure, you can be sure that you will reach the correct answer each time. The downside of using an algorithm to solve the problem is that this process tends to be very time-consuming. So if you face a situation where a decision needs to be made very quickly, you might be better off using a different problem-solving strategy. For example, a physician making a decision about how to treat a patient could use an algorithm approach, yet this would be very time-consuming and treatment needs to be implemented quickly. In this instance, the doctor would instead rely on their expertise and past experiences to very quickly choose what they feel is the right treatment approach. Algorithms vs. Heuristics In psychology, algorithms are frequently contrasted with heuristics. A heuristic is a mental shortcut that allows people to quickly make judgments and solve problems. These mental shortcuts are typically informed by our past experiences and allow us to act quickly. However, heuristics are really more of a rule-of-thumb; they dont always guarantee a correct solution. So how do you determine when to use a heuristic and when to use an algorithm? When problem-solving, deciding which method to use depends on the need for either accuracy or speed. If complete accuracy is required, it is best to use an algorithm. By using an algorithm, accuracy is increased and potential mistakes are minimized. On the other hand, if time is an issue, then it may be best to use a heuristic. Mistakes may occur, but this approach allows for speedy decisions when time is of the essence. Heuristics are more commonly used in everyday situations, such as figuring out the best route to get from point A to point B. While you could use an algorithm to map out every possible route and determine which one would be the fastest, that would be a very time-consuming process. Instead, your best option would be to use a route that you know has worked well in the past. If you are working in a situation where you absolutely need the correct or best possible answer, your best bet is to use an algorithm. When you are solving problems for your math homework, you dont want to risk your grade on a guess. By following an algorithm, you can ensure that you will arrive at the correct answer to each problem.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Global Business Plan - 9701 Words

Executive Summary Moto-Europe Tours has sought to fill a niche in the tour guide industry. The founders of this business venture saw a need to expand the company’s operations globally. Moto-Europe Tours is a business venture with the goal of expanding tour experiences to Italy and its surrounding countries. The stabilization of Italy’s government, its inviting culture and close ties with the U.S. are factors that make opportunities for Moto-Europe Tours to expand ideal. This report contains the following: a Statement of Purpose, Regional Analysis and Host Country Analysis. Moto-Europe Tours’ objectives and a discussion of Italy’s political, cultural and economic situations are presented. The business analysis will integrate all the†¦show more content†¦The predecessors can be linked back to 1951 with the originating organization, the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC). In 1967, the ECSC became the European Community (Wikipedia, 2006). There are many different objectives for the EU. It’s â€Å"principal goal is to promote and expand cooperation among member states in economics and trade, social issues, foreign policy, security and defense and judicial matters† (Encarta, 2006). Citizens within the 25 countries were all granted European citizenship. Citizenship allows individuals to work, live or study in any of the EU states (Wikipedia, 2006). Political and Economic History A goal of the EU is to standardize currency amongst all the EU countries with the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU). In 2002, 12 of the EU countries replaced their national currency with the euro. The 10 most recent additions to the EU as well as Sweden, the United Kingdom and Denmark have not changed their currency (Wikipedia, 2006). The EU is run by a parliament. The parliament’s goal is to create laws that impact the lives in the member states. The parliament is comprised of one president whose term is two and one half years. The main role of the president is to oversee the activities of parliament. The president will also represent parliament in any international dealings and in official visits whether inside or outside the EU (Wikipedia, 2006). The parliament is comprised of 732 members elected from the 25 EU member states.Show MoreRelatedMarketing Plan For A Global Business Essay1585 Words   |  7 Pagesand business focused class I have ever taken. Most topics are completely new to me, although there have been a number that have peaked my interest, for the most part this materiel is all new. The concept of incorporating a global focus into one’s business plan seems practical since today’s age of technology is expanding the reach of all but few businesses. 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020

World War II German Panther Medium Tank

Armored vehicles known as tanks became crucial to the  efforts of France, Russia, and Britain to defeat the Triple Alliance of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy in World War I. Tanks made it possible to shift the advantage from defensive maneuvers to offensive, and their use completely caught the Alliance off guard. Germany eventually developed a tank of their own, the A7V, but after the Armistice, all tanks in German hands  were confiscated  and  scrapped, and Germany was forbidden by various treaties to possess or build armored vehicles. All that changed with the rise to power by Adolph Hitler and the start of World War II. Design Development Development of the Panther began in 1941, following Germanys encounters with Soviet T-34 tanks in the opening days of Operation Barbarossa. Proving superior to their current tanks, the Panzer IV and Panzer III, the T-34 inflicted heavy casualties on German armored formations. That fall, following the capture of a T-34, a team was sent east to study the Soviet tank as a precursor to designing one superior to it. Returning with the results, Daimler-Benz (DB) and Maschinenfabrik Augsburg-Nà ¼rnberg AG (MAN) were ordered to design new tanks based on the study. In assessing the T-34, the German team found that the keys to its effectiveness were its 76.2 mm gun, wide road wheels, and sloping armor. Utilizing this data, DB and MAN delivered proposals to the Wehrmacht in April 1942. While the DB design was largely an improved copy of the T-34, MANs incorporated the T-34s strengths into a more traditional German design. Using a three-man turret (the T-34s fit two), the MAN design was higher and wider than the T-34 and was powered by a 690 hp gasoline engine. Though Hitler initially preferred the DB design, MANs was chosen because it used an existing turret design that would be quicker to produce. Once built, the Panther would be 22.5 feet long, 11.2 feet wide, and 9.8 feet high. Weighing around 50 tons, it was propelled by a V-12 Maybach gasoline-powered engine of about 690 hp. It reached a top speed of 34 mph, with a range of 155 miles, and held a crew of five men, which included the driver, radio-operator, commander, gunner, and loader. Its primary gun was a Rheinmetall-Borsig 1 x 7.5 cm KwK 42 L/70, with 2 x 7.92 mm Maschinengewehr 34 machine guns as the secondary armaments. It was built as a medium tank, a classification that stood somewhere between light, mobility-oriented tanks and heavily armored protection tanks. Production Following prototype trials at Kummersdorf in the fall of 1942, the new tank, dubbed Panzerkampfwagen V Panther, was moved into production. Due to the need for the new tank on the Eastern Front, production was rushed with the first units being completed that December. As a result of this haste, early Panthers were plagued by mechanical and reliability issues. At the Battle of Kursk in July 1943, more Panthers were lost to engine problems than to enemy action. Common issues included overheated engines, connecting rod and bearing failures, and fuel leaks. Additionally, the type suffered from frequent transmission and final drive breakdowns that proved difficult to repair. As a result, all Panthers underwent rebuilds at Falkensee in April and May 1943.  Subsequent upgrades to the design helped reduce or eliminate many of these issues.   While initial production of the Panther was assigned to MAN, demand for the type soon overwhelmed the companys resources.  As a result, DB, Maschinenfabrik Niedersachsen-Hannover, and Henschel Sohn all received contracts to build the Panther.  During the course of the war, around 6,000 Panthers would be constructed, making the tank the third most-produced vehicle for the Wehrmacht behind the Sturmgeschà ¼tz III and Panzer IV. At its peak in September 1944, 2,304 Panthers were operational on all fronts. Though the German government set ambitious production goals for Panther construction, these were seldom met due to Allied bombing raids repeatedly targeting key aspects of the supply chain, such as the Maybach engine plant and a  number of Panther factories themselves. Introduction The Panther entered service in January 1943 with the formation of Panzer Abteilung (Battalion) 51. After equipping Panzer Abteilung 52 the following month, increased numbers of the type were sent to frontline units early that spring. Viewed as a key element of Operation Citadel on the Eastern Front, the Germans delayed opening the Battle of Kursk until sufficient numbers of the tank were available. First seeing major combat during the fighting, the Panther initially proved ineffective due to numerous mechanical issues. With the correction of the production-related mechanical difficulties, the Panther became highly popular with German tankers and a fearsome weapon on the battlefield. While the Panther was initially intended to only equip one tank battalion per panzer division, by June 1944, it accounted for nearly half of German tank strength on both the eastern and western fronts. The Panther was first used against US and British forces at Anzio in early 1944. As it only appeared in small numbers, US and British commanders believed it to be a heavy tank that would not be built in large numbers. When Allied troops landed in Normandy that June, they were shocked to find that half the German tanks in the area were Panthers. Greatly outclassing the M4 Sherman, the Panther with its high-velocity 75mm gun inflicted heavy casualties on Allied armored units and could engage at a longer range than its foes. Allied tankers soon found that their 75mm guns were incapable of penetrating the Panthers frontal armor and that flanking tactics were required. Allied Response To combat the Panther, US forces began deploying Shermans with 76mm guns, as well as the M26 Pershing heavy tank and tank destroyers carrying 90mm guns. British units frequently fitted Shermans with 17-pdr guns (Sherman Fireflies) and deployed increasing numbers of towed anti-tank guns. Another solution was found with the introduction of the Comet cruiser tank, featuring a 77mm high-velocity gun, in December 1944. The Soviet response to the Panther was faster and more uniform, with the introduction of the T-34-85. Featuring an 85mm gun, the improved T-34 was nearly the equal of the Panther. Though the Panther remained slightly superior, high Soviet production levels quickly allowed large numbers of T-34-85s to dominate the battlefield. In addition, the Soviets developed the heavy IS-2 tank (122mm gun) and the SU-85 and SU-100 anti-tank vehicles to deal with the newer German tanks. Despite the Allies efforts, the Panther remained arguably the best medium tank in use by either side. This was largely due to its thick armor and ability to pierce the armor of enemy tanks at ranges up to 2,200 yards. Postwar The Panther remained in German service until the end of the war. In 1943, efforts were made to develop the Panther II. While similar to the original, the Panther II was intended to utilize the same parts as the Tiger II heavy tank to ease maintenance for both vehicles. Following the war, captured Panthers were briefly used by the French 503e Rà ©giment de Chars de Combat. One of the iconic tanks of World War II, the Panther influenced a number of postwar tank designs, such as the French AMX 50.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Fate vs. Free Will Free Essays

Although the gods know what one’s life will be before he lives it, man still has the freewill to live as he wills†. Fate is an event or action which Is destined to happen in a particular way whereas freewill is the ability to act In a manner which is not influenced by predestination. I believe that these two philosophical concepts Influence the outcome of one another. We will write a custom essay sample on Fate vs. Free Will or any similar topic only for you Order Now The basic Interpretation of this adage means that the gods know what our lives are going to be Like from the first moment of birth o our last moment of death, and this ideology refers to fate. During the duration between these two important points, man has the ability to go about and choose to do whatever he may desire, and this ideology refers to freewill. The gods know what choices you are going to make as well as its result. Personally I am able to relate on how fate and freewill influence the outcome of each other. In my religion, it is believed that life in an ongoing cycle and that the person who you are in one life will affect the person who you will be in your next life. Likewise a few medical problems, such as high cholesterol and diabetes, run In my family. The elders try their best to encourage each other to remain aware about the health conditions. Recently I have had two deaths In my family relevant to health- related problems. My uncle died to the fatal effects of diabetes and my great- grandmother died due to a weight-related Illness. Before these two very Important and influential people even thought about the poor choices they were intending to make, the gods already knew what the outcome would be. Carols Irwin Settees, also known as by his stage-name Charlie Sheen, was born into a family of renowned actor and actresses and it was assumed, or likewise â€Å"destined†, for him to follow in his family footsteps. However, the outcome of his life did not turn out to be what was expected. This happened when he came across two paths; the path of righteousness and the path of wrongdoing. Unfortunately, Charlie Sheen took the wrong path which led to the physical and emotional destruction of his life and career. This path included alcohol and drug abuse and marital problems, as well as allegations of committing domestic violence. This led to his ejection from the hit television series Two and a Half Men. This scenario portrays how Charlie Sheen was able to go about himself and take whichever actions he desired to do, but the gods already knew what the outcome of his life would be. Fate vs†¦ Free Will By divvy_ran freewill to live as he wills†. Fate is an event or action which is destined to happen in a reticular way whereas freewill is the ability to act in a manner which is not influence the outcome of one another. The basic interpretation of this adage means that the gods know what our lives are going to be like from the first moment of birth Likewise a few medical problems, such as high cholesterol and diabetes, run in my health conditions. Recently I have had two deaths in my family relevant to health- grandmother died due to a weight-related illness. Before these two very important hit television series Two and a Half Men. This scenario portrays how Charlie Sheen How to cite Fate vs. Free Will, Papers

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Ethical Dilemma for Damages Dispute- Free Samples to Students

Question: Discuss about theEthical Dilemmafor Apple Patent Damages Dispute. Answer: Introduction Ethical problem is defined as one situation that requires a specific alternative choice or second option for resolving any issues as the first option or process in not capable of resolving the issue and functional measure. In contrast with this fact, this essay is elaborating about the Supreme Court sides with Samsung in Apple patent damages dispute (Balakrishnan, 2017). This assignment is considering the elaboration about significant justification of the case study about selected article with respect to four classical ethical theories such as utilitarianism, deontology, virtue and contract. Discussion Description about the Incident The scenario of the selected case study is reflecting about the following aspect Supreme Court sides with Samsung in Apple patent damages dispute. The study of the case study reveals that the Supreme Court of U.S. victimized Samsung as it was highlighted that they have copied some functionalities from Apple (Balakrishnan, 2017). In accordance with this fact, Apple charged Samsung in the year of 2011 for copying different features of their applications (such as the grid of application icons). Henceforth, two lower courts ruled on about this violation of designing patterns of Samsung from designing standards of Apple. For this incident Samsung had to pay $399 million. In addition to this, this amount was around the amount earned by Samsung for 11 smart phones (Balakrishnan, 2017). In addition to this, this is also identified that the penalty charged to Samsung was according to specific Federal Law that stated that a group that copies patented designing standards to their own products t hen they are entirely liable for the entire profit earned by the organization. Figure 1: Relational Diagram (Source: Created by author) Henceforth, in accordance with this penalty, Samsung came across this fact that the amount they charged for was absolutely inappropriate for their doing. Additionally this aspect is also identified that South Korean Giant also supported this statement of Samsung they ended up with this fact that Apple is not entirely responsible for total profit which gained for copying the designs from Apple (Balakrishnan, 2017). According to the case study of Samsung and Apple it is identified that justice sent the concerned case to the lower court for rest of the proceedings. In contrast with these facts, this is identified that the question that was raised was about the net amount that Samsung needed to pay for copying the designs from Apple on their own products. in contrary with these facts, Apple confessed this fact with CNBC that they will continue for protecting their hard work on their products throughout several years (Balakrishnan, 2017). Utilitarianism Utilitarianism ethical theory refers to the functional aspect that any incident should be measured with respect to their utility and functionalities. Samsung has copied the functional design that has made by Apple for gaining higher competitive advantages over their target market. This aspect was considered wrong according to the approach of Utilitarianism ethical theory. Therefore, justification is made by penalizing Samsung with $399 million (Balakrishnan, 2017). Therefore, this can be stated that the Utilitarianism ethical theory evaluates the effective elements and standards that are highlighted within the case study about Samsung and Apple. Deontology Deontological ethical theory states that the moral values should be put for highest priority in any decision making process (Shaikh, 2015). In contrast with these facts, from the case scenario, it is identified that the moral values are not placed at higher priorities from the end of Samsung as they have copied the designing patterns from Apple and gain profit as per their product name. Therefore, from the point of view of deontological concept the Supreme Court has made justification with the penalization processes. Virtue This ethical theory focus on the fact, which the character, individual or organizations are emphasized for their wrong measures taken into consideration and these characters are taken as one critical element for ethical thinking processes (Murakami et al., 2017). In contrast with this theory this is highlighted that the key element of ethical thinking was about the penalization process done on Samsung for their wrong measures taken against Apple and they have copied their designing patterns for their own products. The Federal law has taken into account for managing this wrong measure. Contract This ethical theory is all about the legitimate standards that are provided by any authority or government of any country for checking the originality of any event or incidents (Feltman, 2015). According to the case study and concern of this ethical theory the lower court penalized Samsung for their wrong doing. According to this theory the higher court and lower court both have signified the wrong measure taken by Samsung and that has penalized for their doing. Recommendations Following are the considered recommendations for resolving the ethical dilemma considered within the concerned case study: Establishment of the policies: Government should be publishing rules against the unethical aspects that are adopted by organizations in order to gain competitive advantages. Training standards: Training standards resulted into the protected values and measures within organizations. Conclusion This can be concluded that the Samsung was ruled and penalized for their copying act from patent designs from the Apples iPhone. In contrast with these facts, these actions were taken by the Supreme Court was completely ethical as copying the patented designs were not ethically correct. In addition to this, the lower court ruled on Samsung and penalized them with the amount $399 million. In contrast with this functional measure it was recognized by Samsung that this decision for penalization was inappropriate for Samsung. In addition to these facts, this can also be concluded that this essay is providing significant development of recommendations in order to resolve issues involved within the concerned ethical issue. References Ale Ebrahim, N. (2014). Citation Frequency and Ethical Issue. Altmann, J. (2013). Arms control for armed uninhabited vehicles: an ethical issue.Ethics and Information Technology,15(2), 137-152. Balakrishnan, A. (2017).Supreme Court sides with Samsung in Apple patent damages dispute.CNBC. Retrieved 5 January 2017, from Feltman, D. M. (2015). Re: delivery room research: when does poor quality evidence become an ethical issue?.Pediatrics,135(5), e1368-e1369. Hollingworth, D., Valentine, S. (2015). The moderating effect of perceived organizational ethical context on employees ethical issue recognition and ethical judgments.Journal of Business Ethics,128(2), 457-466. Margulis, A., Boeck, H., Durif, F. (2015, September). The Government-Firm-Society Triad in Ubiquitous Computing: Ethical Issue or Harmonious Chorale? The Case of RFID Technology. InCSR COMMUNICATION CONFERENCE 2015(p. 133). Murakami, K., Sakurai, Y., Shiino, M., Funao, N., Nishimura, A., Asaka, M. (2017). Reply to the letter by Dr Graham concerning ethical and interpretation issues with vonoprazan-containing H. pylori eradication therapy.Gut,66(2), 386-386. Shaikh, A. G. (2015). Emerging Trend of Surrogacy: Legal and Ethical Issue.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Case Study Grip Golf Glove

Characteristics of the target market for the 3M Greptile Grip Golf Glove The target market for Grip Golf Glove market is highly influenced by demographic characteristics. One of the characteristics of its market is the increased population size that is interested in golf. This increase has been linked with the high number of children that were born between 1946 and 1964. The increased number of childbirths at that time is the result of the current mature people who understand golf.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Case Study: Grip Golf Glove specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Most of the people within this age are now at their peak earning point in life. They have money to spend for leisure. In fact, researches show that most of the employees in their 50s spend most of their money set aside for leisure in golf and golf equipments. O’Hara (2011, p. 11) affirms that expectations of the market are also dynamic s ince there are many people to consider when making changes in a brand before releasing it to the market. It is also worth noting that the population is in employment. Hence, it has an increased purchasing power. The second characteristic of the golf market is that it consists of people from all parts of the United States. Lim and Patterson (2008, p.115) argue that, although golf was a preserve for those who lived in the eastern and northern parts of the nation, it has now spread to the west and south. The employed and the retired population therefore shifted to the west and south in order to enjoy a good leisure time throughout the year. The market for golf and golf equipment has consequently shifted to the south and west. Lim and Patterson (2008, p. 115) affirm that the demand for golf and golf equipments including gloves, shoes, balls, bags, and other items has therefore become high in the west and south. Investors in golf and golf equipments should therefore shift their attention to these places. The other characteristic of the golf market in the United States is that it has been on the decline. The declining trend in golf courses has been attributed to the economic recession that hit the United States and other nations since 2007. The recession has significantly reduced the spendable income on the side of the government and the citizenry.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Prices of items have also shifted and the interest rate in banks has hiked. This makes it difficult for citizens to borrow money some of which is spent in golf as leisure. This situation has affected the golf market. For instance Won, Sunhwan, and Kleiber (2009, p. 5) argue that, by 2008, the number of golf courses reduced to 16,000. It is therefore worth noting that the purchasing power for golf equipment has reduced with the increase in the number of golf courses because of the ec onomic recession. Reduction in purchasing power will translate to low demand for golf equipments. However, golf has become a popular source of leisure for all. Unlike in the latter years when golf was a game for senior citizens and the old, it is currently a game for all ages. The Key Points of Difference of the 3M Greptile Grip Golf Glove when compared to Competitors’ Products such as FootJoy and Bionic. There are various points of difference in the products of Greptile Grip Golf Glove in comparison with products from its competitors such as FootJoy and Bionic. The major difference between 3M and others is that it focuses on key areas such as durability of the item, technological adaptability, price, value, and comfort. These factors are put in place in complete consideration of the need for enhanced gripping. The company has gone a step further to adopt these factors in the development of the premium Greptile Grip Golf Glove. The company rated this product as of the highest quality since it was made of Cabretta leather. This product was also launched in Europe and Japan. The price of the Greptile Grip Golf Glove was $16.95 on the lower side and $19.95 on the upper side. On the other side, its competitors have also launched their products. For example, Bionic launched two gloves: the Classic and the Pro. These products were priced at $24.95 and 39.95 respectively. In comparison with 3M, the price of the glove in Bionic was high. Hence, the customers would still prefer the products from 3M. An orthopaedic hand surgeon created the Classic and the pro glove. The aim of involving a specialist was to exaggerate the professional appeal on the minds of golfers and other customers. However, this strategy could not have overcome the initiative of linking technology, comfort, durability, value, and price by 3M. On the other hand, another company, FootJoy comes up with a competing glove: Pure Touch Limited, which is also regarded as â€Å"tailor cut†.Adver tising We will write a custom essay sample on Case Study: Grip Golf Glove specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The glove was priced at $28 and $18 for precision fit and Sci-Flex designs correspondingly. These prices were still beyond the price that had been set in the Market by 3M. Fullerton and Merz (2008, p. 90) posit that price is an integral component in sports marketing. In fact, price is a powerful tool that determines the ability of the customer to buy an item with a certain value. Englis and Solomon (1995, p. 13) are for the opinion that comfort and durability of the product come after the customer has gained the ability to purchase the product, which is highly dictated by price value. An item may be of good quality and comfort, but the customer may not acquire it due to his or her income. In comparison with substitute products, 3M’s golf products have also been affected by the economic recession. As other substitute p roducts make changes in price, 3M has also made alterations on its pricing and value. The attention in marketing golf products has now shifted and narrowed down to the price factor. Fullerton and Merz (2008, p. 90) argue that the financial slump mentioned above has resulted in drastic measures to control prices and to retain customers in sports and sports product. 3M has had to control its prices due to the low prices offered by retailers of the substitute products that customers prefer. For example, FootJoy, Calloway, and Titleist even offer single gloves at reduced prices. How the Greptile Grip Golf Glove meets 3M’s Three Criteria for New Products Every innovation in 3M must meet the three new products’ criteria, which include offering a superior value to the consumer, being a trademarked and patentable technology, and altering competition basis through the creation of differences. The product of 3M meets these requirements through various ways. To begin with, there is a lab for testing the viability of the product and its impact on consumers. This strategy ensures that the company will only release products that it has confidence in based on their quality. Secondly, the company tests any complaints from the market in its lab to verify the claims and hence adjust them accordingly. Thirdly, the company is also able to meet the criteria through changing of price, enhancing the benefits of products to consumers, and through advertising. Englis and Solomon (1995, p.13) reveal that the idea of scrutinising of a product is important to ensure quality and comfort of the customer. 3M evenly scrutinises every product or strategy for originality before it is adopted.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More 3M’s Special Promotion and Distribution Problems 3M is likely to face various problems in the market due to its lack of previous foundation in the market. Such problems are likely to be in distribution and special promotion. The first challenge is to establish a customer base. Initiating a customer base from a market with other established marketers is challenging. 3M will therefore be required to do rigorous sales promotion, which must be preceded by advertising. It is challenging to advertise due to the high cost. However, advertising is a basic step for every business. Personal selling will also enhance reliability and dependability of the product in the market. Customers do not buy products that they do not know. The other problem is realising the areas where the products are highly required. Distribution of products involves establishing depots and retailers. In some instances, it involves the use of sales persons to distribute them to customers. It is therefore importan t for the distributor to know the trends in the market and the dynamics of distribution. For instance, during some periods of the year, the demand of the products goes down in some areas as it rises in others due to adverse weather conditions. 3M will therefore face the challenge of establishing proper, clear, and effective distribution lines in the United States and other parts of the world. The greatest challenge will be venturing into areas where other competitors have already established their markets. According to O’Hara (2011, p. 10), it is challenging to develop a large market share from an already established market by the competitor. 3M’s Pricing Strategy Choice among Demand –oriented, Cost-oriented, Profit-oriented, or Competition-oriented Pricing Strategy for its Greptile Grip Golf Glove Since 3M is a new market entrant there is a great need to establish a good customer base for itself before even thinking of making huge profits. 3M should develop its prices following the competition-oriented pricing strategy following various reasons such as the increase in the number of companies that are targeting the same market that 3M aims to appeal. This case would therefore mean that the market that 3M will appeal most to consumers is likely to have an advantage over others. 3M should therefore begin by evaluating the level of competition that is posed by its competitors before making a decision to alter its prices, quality of products, packaging, and other factors that appeal to customers. It is worth researching on the strongholds of every competitor and strategies that the competitors use in such areas. O’Hara (2011, p. 11) affirm that research will enable 3M to come up with a better and more appealing brand that will enable it gain a larger market share from such areas. When a company is developing, it has to major on creating a customer base that it can sustain. Since other companies in the competition are able to retain such customers, 3M should evaluate the viability of better methods and their ability to sustain customers. The other reason why 3M should adopt competition-oriented pricing is the increase in the number of retail outlets that sell similar and substitute products at low prices. The price of the products is likely to be inhibitive to customers. Although 3M may have high-quality products, it may supply the product in areas where demand is high, or manufacture products that just meet its production cost to make huge profits. Customers may be prohibited from buying such products by the price. According to Englis and Solomon (1995, p. 13), customers do price comparison before purchasing them. If the prices of Greptile Grip Golf Glove are high at 3M, customers will shift their attention to the other providers or purchase the same products from the retail outlets. The process of considering the best price point should involve evaluation of various functions. 3M should consider prices that the c ompetitors have placed in the market. As a new entrant to the market, 3M has to compete favourably with other players in the market. The price for the Greptile Grip Golf Glove should not be prohibitive to the market. In fact, it should be below that of its competitors since it is new. The impact of the global recession should also be considered in pricing to make customers believe that the company and the product have come to their aid in the right time. The price should also be able to meet the technological threshold of the current times. It should be modern and adoptable to modern technology. However, Won, Sunhwan, and Kleiber (2009, p. 12) argue that pricing should not lead to reduction in the quality of golf products. The product quality should be used as a unique identifier of 3M. In fact, the price should remain at the current range of $16.95 to $19.95 since other competitors are also within the range and that consumers will be comfortable to purchase. Reference List Englis, G., Solomon, R. (1995). To Be and Not to Be: Lifestyle Imagery, Reference Groups, and The Clustering of America. Journal of Advertising, 24(1), 13-28. Fullerton, S., Merz, R. (2008). The Four Domains of Sports Marketing: A Conceptual Framework. Sport Marketing Quarterly, 17(2), 90-108. Lim, C., Patterson, I. (2008). Sport Tourism on the Islands: The Impact of an International Mega Golf Event. Journal of Sport Tourism, 13(2), 115-133. O’Hara, K. (2011). Building a Brand. Smart Business Atlanta, 9(1), 10-14. Won, D., Sunhwan, H., Kleiber, D. (2009). How Do Golfers Choose a Course? A Conjoint Analysis of Influencing Factors. Journal of Park Recreation Administration, 27(2), 1-16. This essay on Case Study: Grip Golf Glove was written and submitted by user Alberto Sloan to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Friday, March 6, 2020

The Illiad Essays - Trojans, Mythological Kings, Ajax, Suicide

The Illiad Essays - Trojans, Mythological Kings, Ajax, Suicide The Illiad The Illiad is a story that deals with a small part of the Trojan War. The cause of this war is when Paris, the prince of Troy, sailed to Sparta, seduced and abducted Helen and returned to Troy. When Menelaos discovered that his wife was gone, he gathered a number of Greek generals together to go with him, conquer Troy, and retrieve his wife. However, the Illiad only covers a few months during the tenth year of the war. In this time, many important events took place that could have possibly altered the outcome of this historic event Two beautiful women whom were enemies of the Achaians are captured during one of the many raids the army had on Troy. One of the women, named Chryseis is the prize for Ahomemnon (the king and commander-in chief of the Achaians). But Chryseis father, Chryses wants his daughter back. Chryses whom was the priest God of Apollo, is hoping to go to the Achaian camp and claim his daughter. Unfortunately, this plan did not work out. And because of this, Chryses prays to Apollo for help. Apollo did in fact help the old man by spreading a deadly plague through the Achaian army, killing hundreds of them. After days of this, the Achaians most honored soldier, Achilles calls a meeting to determine the cause of the plague. A soothsayer of the Achaians determines that King Agamemnons arrogance caused the plague by not returning the woman whom was captured to be his war prize. After finding this out, the woman is returned but Agamemnon takes Briseis whom was the prize captured for Achilles. Achilles is angry and publicly insulted so therefore he refuses to fight for the Achaians and withdrawals his troops. He then requests to his mother Thetis (a sea nymph) to influence Zeus to help the Trojans defeat the Achaians. The leader of the Gods promises Thetis that he will help. Zeus sends a dream to Agomemnon that has him convinced he will defeat the Trojans in battle the next day. With the order from Agomemnon, the army prepares itself for attack. The Trojans and Achaians draw towards each other and Paris challenges one of the Achaians to a one on one fight. The challenger of this is Menelaos. The winner will win Helen and both sides will agree on a treaty of peace. During the duel, Menelaos wounds Paris and begins dragging him to the Achaians territory when suddenly, Aphrodite appears and rescues him. Agamemnon announces to his army that they have won and demands that Helen is given back to them. Goddesses Hera and Athena want a complete destruction of Troy and they ask Zeus if no truce were made. Zeus, in turn gives in and grants them their wish. As a result, the fighting soon resumes. As a way to start the war anew, Athena searches for Pandaros, a Trojan leader and tells him to kill Menelaos. Being the type of person Pandaros is, he follows through with her advice. But instead of killing Menelaos, he only wounds him. The Achaians are shocked that the Trojans would do this being that the truce is still in order. While Menelaos is being treated, other Trojan warriors get into battle order. Nevertheless, Agamemnon orders his Achaian troops to prepare to fight and this begins the war (again). The battle continues with much violence and many men are killed. When Diomedes is wounded by Pandoros, he turns to Athena for help. Athena gives the Achaian soldier courage, which helps him to drive the Trojans back and kill Pondoros. Diomedes wounds Aeneas but doesnt kill the Trojan nobleman because his mother Aphrodite rescues him. Ares, the god of war gets involved on the Trojans side by helping Heckor (prince of the Trojans) command his forces. At first this plan works but then the Achaians receive strength from Hera and Athena. The Achaians are becoming stronger by driving the Trojans back. But, the Trojans are weakening thus causing Hektor to return to Troy. He tells the queen and the other royal women to make an offering of Athena in the temple in hopes to get her to ease her fury off of the Trojans.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Project Proposal Requirements Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Project Proposal Requirements - Essay Example The mission of the organization involves, distributing water and electrical services in a reliable, environmentally safe, and financially effective manner (Fried & Ferris, 2007). AADC has hundreds of employees; and hence it strives to adopt appropriate staff satisfaction measures. The staff motivation approaches used in the project are training, career development and challenging work environment. Job satisfaction entails the experiences of employees at the workplace, and also superior working life quality (Burgoon, 2006). Job satisfaction at AADC is effectively analyzed through significant factors like; working environment, general wellbeing, home-work relationship, work control, and stress at the work place. Employees generally enjoy their work environment, if they achieve significant attributes related to their job. The project aims at illustrating three significant issues at AADC. Firstly, the project will research on the levels of employee satisfaction at the AADC. Secondly, the project illustrates the types of employee satisfaction approaches, which are applied effectively and efficiently at AADC. Thirdly, the project aims at illustrating the management and staff relationship in formulating and implementing the employee satisfaction approaches at the workplace (Rode, 2014). High employee satisfaction levels are very important for the achievement of the short and long term objectives of AADC. This is because high job satisfaction levels increase the motivation of employees. There are several factors that influence motivation levels at the workplace. The factors are broadly categorized into four; environmental factors, effective employee recognition, individual factors, and psychological wellbeing. Communication processes within the organization should be effective, so as to ensure high satisfaction levels. The communication process should adequately involve the input of employees. Work environments which effectively recognize the

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Sustainable Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Sustainable Development - Essay Example Whatever we do here, has consequences, and we must individually and collectively strive to assure that the consequences are mitigated by positive actions. In an article written on the Principles of Sustained Development, the author emphatically stresses the scope and purpose of sustained development, he says: Sustained development focuses on improving the quality of life for all of earth’s citizens without increasing the use of natural resources beyond the capacity of the environment to supply them indefinitely. It requires an understanding that inaction has consequences and that we must find innovative ways to change institutional structures and influence individual behavior. It is about taking action, changing policy and practice at all levels, from the individual to the international. (Principle) This attitude has led to a number of world conclaves assembled around the concept of sustained development. The latest of which was the Earth Summit in Johannesburg, South Africa in 2002. This summit has been heralded as a participatory and contributing success, and the attendees brought to bear the local, regional and national concerns. These concerns were aired in a series of roundtables. The participants were determined to make this summit a productive event and produce items of substance which they could take back home with them and continue the works they commenced in Johannesburg. Recognizing that whether they were citizens of a developed country, or small developing state, the need for coordinated efforts were essential. essential. Merely to sit and exchange dialogue on the ills of the earth and simply codify those dilemmas, take them back home and have them collect dust until the next vision or summit, was no longer an option. These delegates recognized the need for the establishment and functioning of regional partnerships, which will feed off of and into each other concerning the local, regional, national and international technologies and

Sunday, January 26, 2020

How Starbucks Can Reduce Risks Marketing Essay

How Starbucks Can Reduce Risks Marketing Essay Multi National Companies go through severe research process before enlarging their business activities to other countries. By opting the appropriate mode of entry to international market companies can capture the market easily and reduce the risk associated with it. Starbucks, being one of the largest coffee shop in the world has opted Joint ventures, licensing and wholly owned subsidiaries to expand their business globally. They started expanding their activities in 1996 by entering through Joint ventures in Japan and through wholly owned subsidiary in Canada followed by Southeast Asia, Europe and Middle east. These strategies along with product innovations are the main reason for the success of Starbucks coffee globally. They have modified their product line up and offer 30 blends of coffee, bottled Starbucks Frappuccino, Green Tea Frappuccino, curry puffs, meat buns, sandwiches and salads to meet the needs and requirements of the consumers in particular market. Starbucks have opted a better and efficient way to expand their international activities. They expanded their business activities through Joint ventures in huge market of Japan, Greece and other big countries where as they have owned subsidiaries in some of the low risk countries like Canada and Ireland. They have also expanded their activities through licensing in countries like Malaysia and New Zealand. Starbucks studies the market first and then open few stores at trendy places. After successful marketing test and training of brew masters, it also ensures that similar coffee beverages and No Smoking rules are applied all over. They have been growing rapidly from 17 stores in Seattle to 19,972 stores worldwide mainly attracting youngsters. Their expenses on marketing is very less as they mainly rely on word of mouth advertising. They have come up with different kind of services like Starbucks Express, Automated espresso machines, and self service for their customers, which are also the reason for their huge success worldwide. Sources: International Management, Managing Across Borders and Cultures, Sixth Edition, Helen Deresky, ISBN: 0-13-614326 Careful analysis and management of risks not only mitigate losses but also provide superior returns. In the light of this statement do you think Starbucks did not analyze and manage the risks involved in the different markets it entered? Yes, I believe that Starbucks did not analyze and manage the risk involved while operating in different markets. They have mainly focused on increasing the number of stores worldwide to achieve market dominance but ignored the fact that most of their stores are running in losses. They are facing many challenges in US and overseas market by their competitors like Nestle, Tim Hortons and Dunkin Donuts. Starbucks is facing many internal and external issues like change in economic conditions, change in taste and preferences of customers, huge competition, high business development costs, etc. They also have been facing several problems due to economic crisis in several countries and had serious political problems in Middle East, which led in closure of their several stores in Iraq and Israel. Starbucks mainly focused on its expansion and ignored the competitors around them. They are facing stiff competition in Germany and France from local coffee shops. Their prices were high as compared to the local shops offering the same taste of coffee. It is right that they have come up with different range of products for different markets but failed to come up with appropriate strategies for same market. They were not able to analyze properly the opportunities and threats available in a particular market and failed to relate them with their strengths and weaknesses. They lacked product differentiation from competitors thus were not able to capture the target market. Political, Environmental, Social and Technological factors had also its impact on Starbucks internal business activities. Thus I feel, Starbucks could have done better with their expansion strategy If they would have focused on SWOT analysis and PEST factors influencing their business activities. They have to do immense research on market growth and market share of their future projects and opt for the beast available option. Sources: International Management, Managing Across Borders and Cultures, Sixth Edition, Helen Deresky, ISBN: 0-13-614326 Question 3 A company faces diverse set of risks in international markets. What were the risks faced by Starbucks in its international operations? Explain how Starbucks can reduce risks in its international business. Companies operating on international level faces several risks while doing business. Starbucks, being one of the largest chain of coffee shop is also facing several problems in home as well as in abroad. Although Starbucks has expanded enormously during its earlier stage is facing now stiff competition from its competitors. They also have employees disappointment and are not able to provide satisfaction to them. Payments made to the employees does not match with the work load they have to suffer at work. Due to their aggressive marketing strategies they have grown their rivalry and lost potential customers. Japan, which was the largest overseas market for Starbucks followed by United Kingdom started facing decline in their profit rates. The main reason for the declining profit rate for Starbucks is due to mismatch of their policies with customers expectations. Starbucks thinks that they can increase their profit by increasing their stores day by day but they fail to provide customers satisfaction. Their prices are still high than of the competitors and they failed to satisfy the newer generation. According to me Starbucks have to adjust its policies and reposition its product line up according to the market in which they are dealing. They also have to come up with new and better line up for customers as their taste and preferences keeps on changing. Starbucks have to try to increase the level of employees satisfaction by increasing their salaries, providing initiatives, bonus and other allowances. They have to study the controllable and uncontrollable factors that they face while entering global market. Innovations and Investment are the key factors for them in the long run. Through study of PEST and SWOT analysis can be very effective in maintaining their leadership worldwide. Sources: International Management, Managing Across Borders and Cultures, Sixth Edition, Helen Deresky, ISBN: 0-13-614326

Saturday, January 18, 2020

A Critical Reflection on PSHE

This essay will look at the teaching of an area in PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education); the chosen area the essay will discuss is keeping safe. The essay will discuss how this aspect of PSHE can be taught and how it varies from the teaching of other curricula subjects. The national curriculum states an aspect of the PSHE curriculum as â€Å"they learn the basic rules and skills for keeping themselves healthy and safe and for behaving well. † (QCDA 2011) In a school environment there are a number of policies that staff will follow to ensure that they can do everything they can to keep the children they work with safe. Severs (2003) looks at the responsibilities of the class teacher and the head teacher in insuring the children’s safety; the class teacher has the responsibility to follow the set policies and guidelines, ensure that the environment and resources are safe participate in inspections and risk assessments and ensure that any problems are reported straight away. Teachers will have a responsibility to keep the children safe when the child is in that school, but what happens when the child leaves school. A teacher may have the ability to protect the child in their classroom but all children should be aware of how to keep themselves safe at all times. This essay will look at the teaching of keeping safe and the following areas that may link with this aspect. Road safety, dangers of electrical objects, stranger danger, medicines in the home, hygiene and who can help you stay safe. The Institute for Citizenship (2000) looks at how PSHE and citizenship provide children with the skills, knowledge and understanding they may need to develop confident healthy and independent lives. It is important for all children to understand how to take care of themselves; or even just to be aware of how to stay safe when an adult is not right by them. On previous School Based Learning (SBL) experiences I have witnessed a year 1 class taking part in road safety exercises; the school carried out several assemblies on the importance of road safety, and the stop, look and listen method when crossing roads. In order for the children to experience this method and apply it to real life the class took part in a walk around the local area in which they all wore the florescent vests. When arriving at a road the children were told about the importance of using the pedestrian crossings and how before they cross the road they should always look both ways, and listen out for cars before they continue to cross. Robertson (2007) talks about how pedestrian injury is the second main cause of death for children aged between 5 and 9 years. Robertson also looks at the importance of reminding parents about the supervision of their children in road crossing and anywhere with traffic. When providing the children with road safety training the school could also provide the parents with the opportunity to attend. In the above description of the activity I witnessed just like any other school trip, the children’s parents were invited to take part. When looking at the teaching of PSHE I believe it may be difficult to teach it the same as other subjects; However when looking at the teaching of road safety there is the possibility to teach it imbedded in with another subject. Hayes (2010) looks at how teaching road safety can be linked with geography, maths, ICT, and art: for example creating warning posters. When teaching road safety there is the possibility to link with national curriculum geography; â€Å"make observations about where things are located (for example, a pedestrian crossing near school gates) and about other features in the environment (for example, seasonal changes in weather)† (QCDA 2011) After introducing the geographical aspects of their local area the children could begin to discuss why they think we need pedestrian crossings and why they think the crossings are positioned where they are. By developing road safety signs and warnings in art, the children can use their work around the school and in the local area to help share the importance of what they have been learning. Primary schools that I have attended both as a pupil and in earlier placement experiences have often had a road safety council, in which the council were provided with free equipment to hand out, such as florescent badges for coats and bags along with the florescent wrist bands. The council would help organise school assemblies and contests in which all children were asked to create posters demonstrating the dangers of roads and how to stay safe; when teaching road safety the school could do it either as a whole or as individual classes. Stones (1992) talks about how very little teaching on road safety takes place in school and when it does take place it is delivered through visitors such as road safety officers or the police. If teachers received some training from these sources on the issue they may be able to deliver more frequent sessions. When walking or playing in their local area along with road safety it is important for children to be aware of stranger danger. Many young children can be easily influenced and should be taught that if they do not know an adult that approaches them; then they should not talk to them as they may not be a nice person. Higton (2004) refers to an discussion he observed from a group of children about what they would do when separated from their parents in a shopping centre, he talks about the children making suggestions of asking another shopper when one child suggested that that person may be bad and take them away, the children then decided that they should ask somebody that worked in one of the shops for help. These children had developed an understanding of the stranger danger concept, but when teaching this subject it may need to be approached gently as the aim is not frighten the children into thinking any stranger will take them away. When looking for useful resources to teach stranger danger, I came across a book by Noel Gyro Potter, this book is called Stranger Danger and tells the story of a group of children who remembered what they were taught about stranger danger and chose to run away from the stranger, they then shared their knowledge with their friends, this book also comes with stranger danger tips that you can share with both children and adults. The book was full of pictures so may be useful in helping young children to understand. Children form a young age should develop an awareness of how to deal with the above situation and who the right person to ask for help would be. This area of keeping safe can lead to looking at who they can turn to if they need help. Wyldeck (2008) looks at the use of games to help the children understand how to deal with certain situations. She talks about reading out an incident and asking the children what they think they should do; Wyldeck talks about teaching the children how to call 999 by using a toy / disconnected telephone. In a classroom situation you can ask the children to work in groups to think of a solution to the emergency. Other useful tools for providing this knowledge could be role play. Teachers may feel it helpful to invite emergency services to the school / class to explain what emergencies it is necessary to call 999 for, and what to do when they call. Children may be aware of services such as the police and the fire service and how they help with bad situations, and therefore should be taught how to contact them. Along with gaining help from emergency services children should also be spoken to about who to go to if they are lost if there is no phone or emergency services nearby: for example asking help from a nearby neighbour that they know if at home or if in an area such as a shopping centre to ask somebody that works there to help. When teaching the children to stay safe it is important from a young age to inform the children about using electrical objects safely. Children will come into contact with electrical objects at home as well as school. Charlesworth (2007) talks about how the teaching of science can introduce the dangers of electricity; why it is dangers to play with objects such as toasters, why you should never place a metal object such as a fork into a plug socket. Many children will want to explore how and why things work, therefore it will be safer to teach the children in a safe environment rather than have the children investigate on their own and hurt themselves. Demonstrate safely and allow the children to use the electrical objects safely this may be a good way to help them explore but carry out the investigation under supervision. Explain to children that when they wish to plug an object in to ask an adult to help; or even demonstrate the importance of making sure the socket is switched off before they plug the object in. In any environment where young children will spend their time it is important to ensure that harmful substances such as medicines and cleaning products are kept in a secure place and out of the reach of children; children unaware of these products may ingest them and cause harm to them. Moyse (2009) looks at the use of speaking to nurses, using posters and leaflets and identifying resources such as teaching packages and the use of the internet. Children depend on the adults around them to make their environment safe for them. In many circumstances children may not have an adult at home that is capable of making their environment fully safe for them, therefore the school will need to do as much as they can to teach them the dangers and help make them capable of identifying and avoiding such dangers. The school can provide lessons that introduce warning signs and symbols, for example on cleaning products the sign for harmful. Children should be taught that medicines are for ill people and that they should not take any medicine unless an adult provides it for them. The use of role play in this situation may be useful as in the home corner children can be shown that medicines go on a high shelf or a locked cupboard so that they cannot harm babies and young children. The children can take part in a circle time session in which the teacher can ask the children ‘why do we take medicine? The teacher could show the children bottles of harmful substances and ask them if they know what they are used for? Should we play with these liquids? In my last SBL experience the reception children would often help the teacher tidy the snack area, the teacher would show them that they used one spray of the cleaning product on the table and then wiped the table with the cloth and that once they had finished they were to wash their hands in order to get rid of the cleaning product on their hands. The teacher would role model this as she ensured she was in the habit of washing her hands after cleaning. In one incident a child asked the teacher why the cleaning lady wore gloves top clean, the teacher told her that the teacher has to clean lots of different places and use lots of products and doesn’t want to get them on her hands because if she didn’t wash them properly when she ate her food she might eat some of the cleaning liquids and that isn’t very good for you. This child then suggested that they get a small pair of gloves for the person that helps to clean up. If the teacher explains the dangers to children clearly children may often come up with their own solution to the problem, by making suggestions the children are showing that they have developed an awareness of the dangers. The last area of keeping safe I will look at is the aspect of hygiene and the importance of keeping clean. In one SBL experience, I took part in an activity in which the teacher brought in a bowl of water, soap and paper towels the teacher then demonstrated to the nursery class how to wash their hands ensuring they washed all the creases. Each child then came up in small groups and washed their hands; the teacher told them how important it was to wash their hands after going to the toilet in order to get rid of germs. Mayesky (2011) talks about how it is important for adults in the child’s life to present good self hygiene in order for the children to lead from example; and that the children have the environment is equipped well to encourage good hygiene. Teaching children that being unclean can lead to illness; and that when they are ill they can easily spread germs and the importance of covering their mouth when they cough and using a tissue to wipe their nose. Encouraging children to wash their hands can be placed into the child’s school routine with ease. In one SBL experience I witnessed a class in which the teacher ensured they washed their hands before dinner, after any art classes and before and after any cooking activities. This allowed the children to develop a routine for washing their hands and keeping clean. . The following section of the essay will look at the possible difficulties of teaching PSHE. When looking at providing lessons for the keeping safe aspect of PSHE, I could think of areas of importance that the children should be taught however I was unsure of how best these areas could be taught in the classroom. The national curriculum provides very specific targets for curriculum subjects, and most curriculum subjects can be observed on a weekly basis. When teaching curriculum subjects such as maths the teacher will choose or be given a set topic to teach for a section of the term, the teacher can then look for the set targets that the age they are working with will need to meet. The PSHE curriculum has outlines for specific key stages; however I have yet to witness any direct teaching. After looking at the areas for keeping safe discussed above I identified that there are numerous ways of building the PSHE targets in to other subjects and even into the daily routine, if teachers found little time to teach it directly. Halstead (2006) refers to findings from researchers on schools lacking PSHE policies, and how many schools are not teaching PSHE in order to make room other subjects and activities. After writing and researching for this essay, and taking part in lectures around different PSHE areas, I believe that is a very important subject to teach in schools, as it may help to prepare children for independent living and in relevance to this essay help children to develop knowledge and understanding of how to stay safe in their own environments. Tew (2007) looks at one of the disadvantages of delivering PSHE is the difficulty of maintaining a consistent ethos as it is often delivered by outside agencies, however if teaching staff can receive training at the same time as the other agencies the school could take a much more consistent approach. One struggle that teachers may face in the delivery of PSHE is that after multi agencies pay visit to the school the teachers are unsure on how to continue to teach the chosen topic. In conclusion to this essay I believe that the teaching of PSHE can be very informative to teachers, children and parents; by providing children with the knowledge and understanding of the PSHE curriculum you may be able to help provide them with the ability to make their own safe choices. Many of the difficulties I have identified from this essay are that teachers may not necessarily have the full training or awareness on how to provides lessons around the PSHE curriculum, if teachers had the opportunity to gain the same training of the multi agencies that deliver the assemblies in schools they may be more willing to able in delivering it themselves. After writing this essay I believe that PSHE is very important for the development of children, and it is more important for teachers to deliver than I first thought.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Admissions essay

â€Å"l want to become the greatest engineer in the world†, said a 5 year old boy named Phone. That seemed to be a little dream of a child which he would forget soon. However, for 1 1 years since his saying, that boy had been still continuously following his dream. With remarkable ability of science, Phone was admitted to the physics department of HUSH High School for Gifted Students.In there, he got to know about Nanning Technological university from a senior. Phone was very impressed by the way this university inspired students and its extremely competitive educational environment. His love for .NET started then. Therefore, he challenged himself on the university entrance examination of .NET. Unfortunately, he was rejected. It was the very first big failure and Phone was deeply shocked. He avoided everyone and became more reserved.However, his passion was greater than anything else. Phone quickly overcame this grief, and started acquiring knowledge, to provide himself anothe r chance in the following year. Len addition to participation in an intense A-level program, he also did not forget to improve his soft skills and social knowledge by spending time on some extra-curricular activities such as movie making, volunteering ND being a technician for some events.Thanks to his efficient working method, Phone obtained a few amount of achievements like becoming an youth partner, and a film producer of a volunteer group. Those experiences, which made him more optimistic, sociable, responsible became unforgettable memories In his life. At this moment, when you are reading this essay, Phone had succeeded In completion of his changeable and had a great time before becoming a student In his dream university. I believe that as long as he maintains his passion, he can successfully pilot his own life. Admissions Essay After serious investigation and reflection I am convinced my educational goals will be far better achieved at NYU than at any other university. It is not an easy decision for me, as I thoroughly enjoyed my time at Villanova and made the most of it. One of the many wonderful concepts I have learned from my parents is to strive for academic excellence while balancing life with other activities and contributions. I am proud of my academic record at Villanova, as well as my extracurricular involvement in campus activities, part-time employment and community service. Through the efforts of my parents I have enjoyed a great deal of cultural and educational diversity. I was born and raised in Taiwan, and moved with my parents to Shanghai, China, where I attended high school. Within a very short time I advanced from speaking virtually no English to first place in my class, and then on to Advanced Placement classes. My secondary education in Shanghai was instrumental in the development of my interest in business and finance, and my goal is to be become expert in the area of financial analysis. NYU is a perfect match for me. NYU Stern is one of the finest business schools and enjoys a global reputation. I have learned from my parents two â€Å"laws†: the law of learning and the law of giving. I believe the more you learn the more open you become for learning. I am convinced NYU Stern is a great fit for â€Å"the law of learning† and by achieving academic excellence at NYU I will be in a position to choose career opportunities for continued growth not available at any other university. I have learned from my parents the critical importance of the law of giving, and I am both attracted and committed to the Stern model of community service, particularly that â€Å"students apply business skills to effect social change.† I will bring to NYU a variety of assets and commitments. I have benefited in the past from having â€Å"mentors†, particularly in Shanghai, and I look forward to being able to mentor Chinese and Asian students at NYU. I have always been committed to community service and campus government, and plan on continuing these important activities. I will bring to the campus what others have considered in me an infectious â€Å"joy of learning, excitement for the future, and need for world contribution.† That is in essence my philosophy and I believe it will contribute to the NYU community. The time is right in my life to appreciate and take full advantage of all that NYU offers. I look forward to being a part of a university which has the city itself as part of the campus. While touring NYU I felt at once comfortable and energized, I feeling I never had at Villanova or any other university I have visited. I am fully aware of the significance of being considered for acceptance, and I am sincerely grateful for your time and consideration of my application. Admissions Essay After serious investigation and reflection I am convinced my educational goals will be far better achieved at NYU than at any other university. It is not an easy decision for me, as I thoroughly enjoyed my time at Villanova and made the most of it. One of the many wonderful concepts I have learned from my parents is to strive for academic excellence while balancing life with other activities and contributions. I am proud of my academic record at Villanova, as well as my extracurricular involvement in campus activities, part-time employment and community service. Through the efforts of my parents I have enjoyed a great deal of cultural and educational diversity. I was born and raised in Taiwan, and moved with my parents to Shanghai, China, where I attended high school. Within a very short time I advanced from speaking virtually no English to first place in my class, and then on to Advanced Placement classes. My secondary education in Shanghai was instrumental in the development of my interest in business and finance, and my goal is to be become expert in the area of financial analysis. NYU is a perfect match for me. NYU Stern is one of the finest business schools and enjoys a global reputation. I have learned from my parents two â€Å"laws†: the law of learning and the law of giving. I believe the more you learn the more open you become for learning. I am convinced NYU Stern is a great fit for â€Å"the law of learning† and by achieving academic excellence at NYU I will be in a position to choose career opportunities for continued growth not available at any other university. I have learned from my parents the critical importance of the law of giving, and I am both attracted and committed to the Stern model of community service, particularly that â€Å"students apply business skills to effect social change.† I will bring to NYU a variety of assets and commitments. I have benefited in the past from having â€Å"mentors†, particularly in Shanghai, and I look forward to being able to mentor Chinese and Asian students at NYU. I have always been committed to community service and campus government, and plan on continuing these important activities. I will bring to the campus what others have considered in me an infectious â€Å"joy of learning, excitement for the future, and need for world contribution.† That is in essence my philosophy and I believe it will contribute to the NYU community. The time is right in my life to appreciate and take full advantage of all that NYU offers. I look forward to being a part of a university which has the city itself as part of the campus. While touring NYU I felt at once comfortable and energized, I feeling I never had at Villanova or any other university I have visited. I am fully aware of the significance of being considered for acceptance, and I am sincerely grateful for your time and consideration of my application.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Essay about Evil in William Shakespeares Macbeth - 755 Words

Evil in William Shakespeares Macbeth Evil. It is a word that has been used for hundreds of years, yet the meaning is ones interpretation of what is evil. The criteria for an evil act have changed over the years also. My interpretation of evil is a very bad or ill act against a person, animal or God. Macbeth, dead butcher and evil man? This essay will discuss this question. At the start of the play Macbeth is portrayed as a brave soldier, who would do anything for his king and country. During the opening battle a picture is built up in the mind of the audience. It is an image that shows Macbeth as a brave, noble, loyal and strong man. This is achived through the language Shakespeare uses.†¦show more content†¦He does this when lady Macbeth summons spirits. This would have been seen as immensely evil in the Elizabethan age when the play was first shown. This is because the Elizabethans believed that talking to spirits was indirectly talking to the Devil. It was also against the law to communicate with spirits at the time. Under my battlements. Come you spirits, That tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here, Lady Macbeth is the single biggest influence that causes Macbeth to kill the king (the highest position in Scotland, chosen by God). This would have been seen as the most evil act that one could commit. It was seen as an action against God. So this would mean Lady Macbeth is encouraging Macbeth to do a satanic deed. So by committing this deed both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth have been dammed for eternity. After the killing of Duncan Macbeth and his wife react differently. Macbeth speaks in small statements. As I descendedà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Hark who lies I th second chamberà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ This is a sorry sight. This shows us Macbeth is panicking and anxious. He speaks of being caught or detected by someone; he also speaks of the evil that he just performed While Lady Macbeth also talks in small sentences showing that she is also nervous, however she is pragmatic. It also shows us that she is collected and rational. She is also thinkingShow MoreRelatedEssay on The Evils of Macbeth in William Shakespeares Macbeth3793 Words   |  16 PagesThe Evils of Macbeth in William Shakespeares Macbeth The question that I have been given is to evaluate Shakespeares characterization of Lady Macbeth and to decide on an correct description of her character, as I think Shakespeare intended it to be - is she a cruel, calculating, cold blooded killer; or is she just a confused and distraught lonely woman? 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